Labels:book | bulletin board | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF 5.0 StripsPerimage for Plarar Confi guration equal to1 SamplesPerPixel StripsPerImage for PlanarConfiguration equal to2 For each strip the b1Kq j0 125jJ0 : that strip The offsel speciied with respect ia the beginning of the TIFF file Note thai this implies that each strip has kocation independent the locations other strips This feawre ARTL use[u] For editing applications Ttuis fiekt is the only way reader (0 (ux) Ue irdage Jal and hence musi exist Nole that either SHORT or LONG values can be nsed to specify the strip offsets. SHORT values may be uscd for small l TIFF files. It should be noted, however that earlier TIFF specifications required LONG strip offsets and that some software mav not expect SHORT valuos. See Appendi Gfor further recommendations No defaull. See StripByteCounts ...